Sea is a place where natural resources are stored. Besides that, sea is also the medium of connecting eighteen thousand islands in Indonesia. As the largest archipelagic country in the world, Indonesia faces major challenges in managing its marine resources. A maritime world is a multidisciplinary area, where various sciences and technologies play a major role in the utilization and development of marine technology. Therefore, the development which includes human resources, infrastructure, synergic cooperation from various related institutions, and marine technology innovation should be conducted.

Development efforts should be implemented continuously through research activities, both for the development of theories and applications. Hence, the Faculty of Marine Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) held “International Seminar on Marine Technology Innovation” or better known as SENTA (Seminar Teori dan Aplikasi Teknologi Kelautan) 2016 with the aim of bringing together various universities, industries and practitioners to present their latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in all areas of marine . This seminar is also intended as one of the scientific activities in the framework of the 56th ITS Anniversary in 2016.

The international seminar theme was “Marine Technology for Fulfilling Global Maritime Axis”. This theme was chosen to support the current government policy that has a goal of realizing ‘tol laut’ program and making Indonesia as a maritime axis in order to improve the properity of the Indonesian people.

SENTA 2016 has been held and succeeded as a vehicle for exchanging information, experiences, and ideas and to strengthen the cooperative network between institutions and industries on a national and international scale in a professional manner, resulting in an effective and efficient scientific communication network.

Keynote Speaker

                                                                    Prof. Ir. Daniel M. Rosyid, Ph.D                                             
INDONESIA MARITIME INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY: A Respond to The Resurrection of a Maritime China Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember    
Dr. Rafet Emek Kurt Latest Development in Ship Recycling Technology Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering, Strathclyde University, UK

Technical Session

SENTA 2016 Proceeding
