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  • All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
  • All honorable authors are kindly encouraged to contribute to the conference through submissions of their research papers on all topics related to “Smart and Sustainable Research and Innovation in Marine Technology”.
  • Submissions must follow the formatting instructions of their respective submission category. All papers will be subjected to peer review by a technical program committee.
  • Abstract submission should be done by following the template of the abstract that could be reached HERE
  • Abstract should recap the major important aspects of the whole paper and should not be more than 300 words.
  • After notification of acceptance, you should prepare and submit your full paper based on the following template. The template could be reached HERE
  • In order to submit your abstract/full paper, create your account and log in to the Easy chair submission system by following this LINK
  • Full papers are for mature work, requiring complete explanations of the conceptual background, methods, data, and analysis. Full paper submissions should state: (a) the major issues addressed, (b) potential significance of the work, (c) the theoretical and methodological approaches pursued, (d) major findings, conclusions, implications, and (e) relevant scholarly references. Moreover, the relevance to the theme of the conference should be made clear.
