Dr. Capt. Antoni Arif Priadi

Antoni Arif Priadi is the Director of Traffic and Sea Transportation, Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation, Republic of Indonesia. He finished his doctoral program in Universitas Indonesia and Univesity Le Havre Perancis in 2014.  He also finished his master’s degree in World Maritime University, Swedia in 2006 with a specialization in Maritime Education and Training. Back in 2003, he took education and training for seafarers’ skills at STIP Jakarta for levels ANT – I seafaring expertise (Level – I Nauticist). Where ANT – I training is a training grading at the management level. He has several experiences as a seafarer, in 2000 he took office as a Second Officer in NYK Japan and Chief Officer in Celestial Navigation Greece. In professional experience, he is currently an active member of the Indonesian Maritime Practitioners Association (PRAMARIN), Indonesia Maritime Engineering (IMarE). He is also an editor of the Journal Dinamika Bahari, Politenik Ilmu Pelayaran (PIP) Semarang.

Prof. Tomohisa Dan

Tomohisa Dan is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University. He got his Ph.D. in Engineering from Doshisha University, 1997. His research interest is in internal combustion engine, energy conversion engineering, thermal engineering. He is also involved in several societies such as Society of Automotive Engineers International, Japan Institute of Marine Engineering, Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Institute of Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. He also involved in many international conferences such as International Symposium of Marine Engineering (ISME), Advanced Maritime Engineering Conference (AMEC), International Conference on Engine Room Simulators (ICERS), International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS).


Prof. Benny Tjahjono

Benny Tjahjono is a Professor of Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Coventry University, and also the co-leader of the Sustainable Production and Consumption cluster at the Centre for Business in Society (CBiS). His research track record has been demonstrated by winning a number of research grants from the Engineering & Physical Research Council (EPSRC), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Academy of Medical Sciences (ACMEDSCI), InnovateUK, European Union, overseas funding agencies and directly from the UK industry sectors. Prof Tjahjono has a vested interest in sustainability and environmental conservation. Over the last five years he has focused his overarching research area on Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management, in particular, the exploration of Circular Economy principles in manufacturing processes. He is an engineer by education and has a strong background in contemporary simulation and modeling techniques, including discrete-event simulation, agent-based simulation, and system dynamics.


Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Eng. Ahmad Fitriadhy

Ahmad Fitriadhy is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Maritime Technology, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. His academic background is Naval Architecture (Undergraduate from Department of Naval Architecture, Universitas Hasanuddin-Indonesia, Master Degree in Naval Architecture from Department of Marine Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and Ph.D. in Naval Architecture from Marine Transportation System Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University-Japan. His current research interest is naval architecture field focused on optimization modelling on ship hull-form
and ship towing system. He has been fully member of Professional Bodies and was awarded as Insinyur (PEng), ASEAN Engineer Registered (ASEAN Engr.), Chartered Engineer (CEng) from Engineering Council-UK, and Chartered Marine Engineering (CMarEng) from Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (MIMarEST)-UK.