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Submission Guidelines

Submissions must follow the formatting instructions of their respective submission category. All papers will be subjected to peer review by a technical program committee.

  • Submissions should be written in English.
  • Paper author should first submit the abstract (limited to 200 words) and full paper or poster here.
  • Abstract should emphasize the significance of the results and/or the originality. Abstract must include the paper title, all authors’ and co-authors’ names, affiliations, full addresses, and telephone and/or fax numbers and E-mail address of the corresponding author.
  • Once the abstract is accepted, the full paper or poster can be submitted.
  • Full paper submissions should follow the current version of MS Word Template.
  • Poster should be printed in full-size A1 paper.
  • Papers and posters will be reviewed. Please prepare your papers accordingly.

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:

  • Full papers 

Full papers are for mature work, requiring complete explanations of the conceptual background, methods, data and analysis. Full paper submissions should state: (a) the major issues addressed, (b) potential significance of the work, (c) the theoretical and methodological approaches pursued, (d) major findings, conclusions, implications, and (e) relevant scholarly references. Moreover, the relevance to the theme of the conference should be made clear.

  • Posters

Posters are for work that is in early stages and for novel and promising ideas. The two-page abstract should identify the aspect of the work that will likely lead to productive discussions with conference participants in a poster session, including figures exemplifying the visual support to be provided for these discussions in the poster.

Paper Selection System

SENTA 2018 uses the Easy Chair system for acceptance and paper status. Easy Chair is a system that is ready to use, and commonly used in developed countries. The selection process will pass through 4 stages:

  • First, get the Easy Chair account. Once a participant has an Easy Chair account, then another account can be used directly.
  • Second, participants upload abstract on Easy Chair SENTA 2018 system (Easy Chair SENTA 2018).
  • Next, the reviewer will review papers from the side of the grammar and the weight of the scholarship for later by the reviewer.
  • From several papers that have been disclosed, will be selected qualified papers based on the money.
  • The fourth stage, the candidates uploaded ready paper cameras on the Easy Chair system.


Proceedings of SENTA 2018 will be published in IOP Conference Series which indexed in ScopusThomson ReutersWeb of ScienceCompendex and Inspec. 

Selected paper of SENTA 2018 will be published in Journal of Marine Science and Applications (JMSA) – Springer, under peer-review process.


The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology (SENTA 2018) is fully supported by Faculty of Marine Technology ITS and LPPM ITS Surabaya.
