• Renewable energy sources and management • Ocean Current Energy • Wave Energy • Wind Energy […]
• Marine Aguaculture Development • Ship design to support fishery and marine production • Sea transportation […]
• Oil and gas industry • Fisheries and marine biology • Marine environment • Coastal engineering […]
• Marine Electrical and Automation System • Marine Reliability and Maintenance • Marine Power Plant and […]
• Technology Design and Reliable Maritime Security System • Unmanned Surface Vehicle • Maritime Defence and […]
• Small Islands Infrastructure and Engineering • Marine Tourism Innovation • Ship Design for Supporting Tourism
• Coastal Engineering • Marine Environment • Fisheries and Marine Biology
• Sea Transportation and Logistics • Multimodal Transport • Sea Transport Management • Maritime Logistics Conceptual […]
• Renewable energy sources and management • Marine Current energy • Wave Energy • Wind Energy […]
• Ports infrastructure • Innovation and Green Port • Port Management • Port Conceptual Design
  • Department of Marine Transportation Engineering
  • Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
  • SEA Building 2nd floor,
  • ITS Campus, Sukolilo
    Surabaya – 60111
  • E-mail: seatrans@its.ac.id
  • Website: its.ac.id/seatrans